Participant initiated non-RID activities (PINRA) are activities an RID member wishes to attend which are not offered by an RID approved sponsor. The activity must be hosted by an organization with specific known standards, and must have a specific format, educational objectives, and purpose. PINRAs include but are not limited to: auditing a college class, non-credit courses at an educational institution, corporate trainings, community education, school district in-service, and organizational conventions/workshops.
The Participant Initiated Non-RID Activity form, along with a description of the activity, must be submitted to the FRID CMP Chair 3 weeks prior to the activity start date. You must obtain approval from the CMP committee prior to attending the activity in order to receive CEUs or ACETs.
Keep in mind, the PINRA form must be submitted electronically.
Upon activity completion, participants must forward a copy of the certificate of attendance or other proof of attendance to the CMP Chair within 30 days of the activity end date.
Upon receipt of the forms and documentation, PINRAs will be processed for CEUs or ACETs.